Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The one, and only

When u find the one u love, it's like family, u don't get to pick and choose, u might not have the same opinions, or get along perfectly but you know u can't help but love them. It's unconditional, and by all means it lasts forever. Even if u don't speak to each other, even if anger steps in... The problem, in the end is not love, but all the other stuff that gets in the way, and only the truly intelligent and blessed realize that anything other than love is merely trivial and unimportant, they are the only ones that can be truly happy...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...

I don't really believe anything until I see it with my own two eyes, or until I understand the principle behind it. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, which means, to fully test something, you need to experience it yourself, firsthand. People can say or do anything in regards to you, what matters most is what you believe and the means by which you analyze other people's actions.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Chickens chase butterflies, a monkey will never be enough

Ever have the feeling, no matter how much you try, no matter what you do, you're just not good enough? News flash, nobody is ever good enough, because nobody is perfect, all that really matters is our preconceptions and what we are willing to overlook.
That's the problem with love, it's blind and deaf and dumb and most of the time misdirected.
So many faults are overlooked because of love, but also qualities in others close to us, maybe it's because opposites attract and two people that are both kind, loving and considerate could not be together.
There are so many variables in life, but there is one clear choice, leave it to chance or take it in your own hands and do whatever you can to get what you want. The only problem with this theory is that very few people know what they want.
Even these lines which I am writing now might be misconstrued, that's just human nature, bad stuff is easier to believe than good stuff. If you hear a rumor that someone loves you, you don't believe it, or you ignore it for being too good to be true, but if you hear someone is cheating or does not love you anymore you immediately give it credit.
I refuse to do this, I refuse to believe the bad over the good, man is the sum of his actions, not just one taken out of context. Everyone has good inside them, beauty, you just have to have the power to see it, and nourish it, so it shines through.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Confessions of a broken soul...

You never quite know when the end is coming, or if it truly is the last one, and it isn't followed by a rebirth of the same relationship. I've always believed that if u love something, let it go, but I never understood the coming back part. I thought that as long as I love him, his happiness should be number one, and then I would be happy. But it doen't quite work that way, people need their freedom, but also boundaries, if not, they do what they think makes them happy, they step all over you, your heart, because they know u can take it. Then comes regret, but a simple sorry just ain't gonna cut it to heal a broken heart. You have to do something, to prove yourself, that kind of trust just doesn't grow on trees.
Everybody says they know what happens after a breakup, that u go through different stages, the truth is, no one knows, each broken heart's pain is unique and worse, each in it's own way...