Wednesday, October 21, 2009


M-am plictisit, as putea sa ma inscriu la campionatul national de frecat menta, as lua platina direct, in organizatie sunt de mult inscrisa sau m-am nascut inscrisa. Am frecat menta puternic cu acest blog, dar de ce sa o mai fac, nu credeam ca o sa vina ziua, cand si de frecat menta ma plictisesc... Oricum plictiseala ma face sa inteleg ca viata nu e degeaba, doar orice altceva in afara de privitu plictisit cum trece(viata) pe langa tine e degeaba. Deci, subscriu celor mai inteligenti ca mine, care au realizat ca pierderea timpului nu e o pierdere, reprezinta doar evolutie. Sunt fericita ca am contribuit cu aceste materiale, "valoroase prin inutilitatea lor". Am ajuns insa la un moment unde lenea si nepasarea au preluat controlul, m-am plictisit de aceleasi locuri, aceeasi persoana, aceleasi filme obosite, pur si simplu nu-mi mai arde. Sentimentul in momentul de fata, este cel mai smecher, pentru ca nu exista, nu ma mai misca nimic, ma lasa rece, si nici macar... Oricum, tin sa mentionez o observatie, limba romana este facuta pentru frecat menta, aberat si batut campii, asa ca de ce sa nu o valorificam la maxim facand exact asta. Cea mai buna metoda e aratand cu degetul spre vecin si razand tinandu-ne cu mainile de burta, pentru ca el cu siguranta o sa foloseasca argumente, comentarii acide si altele pentru a-si demonstra intelectul superior, abilitatea de a freca menta mai bine si nepasarea mai accentuata, moment in care poti spune scurt si la obiect ""(indiferent de sex, rasa sau orientare sexuala, proprie sau a interlocutorului). In concluzie, nu exista nici o concluzie, doar vroiam sa ard gazul si internetul imi permite sa impart aceasta minunata experienta cu lumea.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Think twice, be nice

I'd like to think that we are all born nice, I know, I should say good or something else entirely, but nice is just so much nicer:)... As I have said before I'm the kind of person that speaks their mind, often before thinking it through, luckily, I'm usually nice and kind... Unfortunately, there are rare occasions when I'm just plain awful, or worse, keep everything bottled up until I explode in a chaotic mess, which very few people understand or tolerate...
The point is, while striving to be nice, we should find a way to express bad thoughts in a nicer, more "user-friendly" way, we shouldn't avoid saying it entirely and fuel our frustrations.
Honesty may be the best policy, but even truth can be sugarcoated sometimes, and sometimes people consider it much nicer to refrain from exposing certain hurtful truths. I for one would have been a much happier camper, were it not for certain pieces of information, so sometimes ignorance IS bliss; and if u can't sleep at night because of things unsaid, well you should have thought twice before doing them in the first place, confessing will only produce an additional insomniac that will most likely hold a grudge against you.
Unfortunately, there is no perfect formula, no secret combination for perfect communication, and sometimes the truth does set you free, sometimes it just traps you inside your own head, forcing you to review it over and over again.
Generally, being nice is just acknowledging that you are not alone in the world(unless you want to be) and realizing that others have feelings too.