Thursday, April 8, 2010


I love technology, but I can't wait for the future so I can forget everything I have learned about it. The evolution is clear, there will probably always be tech geeks that know how stuff works, but I'm hoping I won't need to be one of them anymore; here's to hoping they will finally learn from mistakes of the past (a.k.a Bill Gates) and finally make every user interface out there, user friendly, and by user I mean anyone, from your grandma to your toddler that is using it for the very first time, thus making creating easier for everyone. Just imagine how many ideas have gone unexpressed because we didn't have the means to express them, how people would get along sooooo much better if they all spoke the same language, or at least all have the tools to translate each-others thought or desires. Imagine information being at everyone's fingertips all around, and sure that can mean bad stuff too, but just imagine how much good would come of it, how many lives will be changed, improved, through technology.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Life flows through the air and through the wind

I feel the fire of it, burning

Burns bright in everyone, but not in me

I fear it may burn out

What fuels it, I wonder?

What star or substance?

If it's a substance from within, I fear I'm doomed

I have not will to produce it any further

If it's a star outside my body,

I cannot argue, I cannot ask for life, I do not live

Existing, events explode around me

I don't take part, merely observe, and even that,

I can do rarely

For I am blind and deaf and dumb

To the fascination of living

I do not wish to be a candle that burns out

If only I were never lit…

I'd never would have known existence

Possessed fingers...

Sometimes I just write, like my fingers have a mind of their own, without meaning to...
"I have come to the conclusion that I dislike humanity. It is what makes us make mistakes. It is the great paradox of humanity that baffles me. When we forgive we say, ah, we are only human. If we were to take that excuse every time, everything would be permitted. We blind ourselves each day with the illusion of freedom, yet we are bound by laws, so called morality, and countless other barriers. The only true freedom is found in chaos, lack of boundaries, or anything else for that matter, death. So we might as well admit it, we need to be prisoners of our own existence, there's no such thing as living free, but that's not neccesarily a bad thing, living with boundaries. The only problem is we cannot come to a common consensus as to what those boundaries should be, as imposed by us, and have no control over those imposed upon us by nature."

Plec departe

Go figure, are si Romania artisti, Cheloo, this is sooo cool

"Unde sa ne mai ascundem cand fugim de noi?
In jur e pace, nu-mi place
In suflet tot un razboi
Sunt un salbatic intr-o lume civilizata cu forta

Si nu sunt genul sa va car torta
Lumea fuge de cuvinte, deja nimeni nu spune ce simte
Deci nu mai avem nevoie de cuvinte

Constat ca sunt plecat cu capul
Deci sunt normal.
Am reusit, m-am relaxat in ultimul hal
Orice vis devine realitate
Daca esti tampit poti fi pus la locul tau cu medicamentul potrivit
Uitandu-ma pe geam ma-ntorc si plec din nou
Te invit sa vii cand nu nu sunt
Prezenta ta imi face rau
Prietenii care ma accepta cum sunt ma plictisesc
Iar pe cei care fug de mine nu ii mai gasesc

Daca mi-as permite sa fiu cum sunt
N-as mai scrie, m-as duce zambind de zece ori la puscarie
Gandesc la rece cand inima fierbe
Sunt un intrus in propria mea lume
Ma simt exclus, plec departe"

Monday, January 4, 2010

In other people we trust

I am in love... and I'm corny... I believe in Christmas, it's my favorite time of the year, even though I tend to take things logically, an unfortunate side-effect of growing up, it makes me feel much better to be able to still be a child sometimes. People who know me would say most of the time... but it's just because I'm very optimistic, and I see good in people above all else. That, to some, means I'm naive, well I beg to differ, if you're gonna go through life suspecting everybody and constantly watching your back, you'll just die before you get the chance to live. Besides, life is all about trust and taking chances, sometimes even having your trust broken makes you feel more alive than being safe. Without trust, without smiling as wide as you can, without laughter or craziness, you're just not living. And again, I wandered off the subject, I'm in love, and even if he's broken my trust or not, I don't care, I just see the kindness in his eyes, the love in his heart and I believe...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dreams of youth nurture immortality

"I'm right here and you're looking right through me, and if I fall down u will walk right past me. Your heart is simply not there or maybe it's just me acting scared. But I see your eyes, used to shine like the sunrise, now are sad and dry, not having cried for some time. Hate is as good a feeling as any other, for it makes u alive... Hate is not what I fear. Indiference is the most painful. To know I don't exist anymore, I don't evoke the slightest reaction in your heart, I feel buried alive. No hope for me, these are my dieing breaths, I feel life draining from my body, if only... If only you would give me a sign, a little ray of light to pierce the darkness of my early grave, to hear your heart beat... If you do love me, it's all I ask for, immortality, for even if I die, no matter what horrible young death, I made with you something so great that death itself cannot destroy... True love"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


M-am plictisit, as putea sa ma inscriu la campionatul national de frecat menta, as lua platina direct, in organizatie sunt de mult inscrisa sau m-am nascut inscrisa. Am frecat menta puternic cu acest blog, dar de ce sa o mai fac, nu credeam ca o sa vina ziua, cand si de frecat menta ma plictisesc... Oricum plictiseala ma face sa inteleg ca viata nu e degeaba, doar orice altceva in afara de privitu plictisit cum trece(viata) pe langa tine e degeaba. Deci, subscriu celor mai inteligenti ca mine, care au realizat ca pierderea timpului nu e o pierdere, reprezinta doar evolutie. Sunt fericita ca am contribuit cu aceste materiale, "valoroase prin inutilitatea lor". Am ajuns insa la un moment unde lenea si nepasarea au preluat controlul, m-am plictisit de aceleasi locuri, aceeasi persoana, aceleasi filme obosite, pur si simplu nu-mi mai arde. Sentimentul in momentul de fata, este cel mai smecher, pentru ca nu exista, nu ma mai misca nimic, ma lasa rece, si nici macar... Oricum, tin sa mentionez o observatie, limba romana este facuta pentru frecat menta, aberat si batut campii, asa ca de ce sa nu o valorificam la maxim facand exact asta. Cea mai buna metoda e aratand cu degetul spre vecin si razand tinandu-ne cu mainile de burta, pentru ca el cu siguranta o sa foloseasca argumente, comentarii acide si altele pentru a-si demonstra intelectul superior, abilitatea de a freca menta mai bine si nepasarea mai accentuata, moment in care poti spune scurt si la obiect ""(indiferent de sex, rasa sau orientare sexuala, proprie sau a interlocutorului). In concluzie, nu exista nici o concluzie, doar vroiam sa ard gazul si internetul imi permite sa impart aceasta minunata experienta cu lumea.